Snow... at least.

Written by Laurent Marechal - 12 january 2015

Well, it;s falling and melting even before it touch the ground.... But this is still snow.

Found a nice tutorial on snowman and compositing. Had a try at it and here is the result.


Classified in : Blender - Tags : Blender, Cycle -

Rendering from memory, traditional table and chair

Written by Laurent Marechal - 08 january 2015

I decided to see what I still remembered from Blender.

So I started by a table then added a chair. Simple and looks bad. But after so many years not touching any 3D I still think it's not bad.


Classified in : Blender - Tags : Blender -

Back in Blended, restart from scratch.

Written by Laurent Marechal - 04 january 2015

I did try to use Blender several time. Each time the interface just killed me.

Since a few version, there was a lot of improvement and I decided to try again. Not that I'm good at 3D. Got some experience with 3DSMax and Autocad in the past, but that was a long time ago. At this time, I'am browsing the net for tutorials and manual. I always learn best by doing and not by blindly reading a book or following a course.

Classified in : Blender - Tags : Blender -

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